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What if I end things Now?

Years ago, as I lay on the hospital bed, tired and worn out,I thought of ending things. "Why suffer every day when I can just suffer once and put an end to it forever?"  Then I watch my mother sitting beside me, silently praying when she thinks I'm sleeping. She checks my medicine and stands long ques to buy me pills doctors prescribe.  And I'd think - "Maybe after she passes, I'll end it! She wouldn't bare if she loses me to my own mind after she fought with me to survive the cancer". The cancer's long gone, and I sit alone at night, unable to sleep. And I'd think, "I should just do it now". I'd think "maybe after I travel the world" If my life was a movie, I'd walk out after the first 30 minutes. But the movie lasts a whole 2 hours. So what if the first 30 minutes were boring, depressing? You have the rest of your movie! If the protagonist kills herself, that would be a terrible ending. So the protagonist waits,b...

The Muse

Remember the time you received a compliment that stuck with you? A compliment that literally changed the course of your life? The one small, rare time someone saw through you and gave you what you wanted? Attention, curiosity, and utmost interest? 
"Why are you obsessed with art? All the scribbles on the corners of your science notebooks? Paint, up and down the big white walls?
The unhealthy obsession with books and pens? What caused all that? "
Well... A compliment, actually.
I was too young to understand everything else, but old enough to know I was a troublemaker. A child who wrecked things and made loud noises. My dad was the type of guy you see on television. Tough, Tall, well-built, and serious. You don't play around with men like him.
  One day, I came back from school, sat down ,took a white sheet of paper and started drawing something. 
This quirk was yet another thing I would have abandoned if not for my dad.
Before I could finish and look back at it with disappointment and think to myself -"Nah.. this isn't for me. I'm never touching the pen again", my dad looked over my shoulder, and into the mess I created and told me these exact words: "That's beautiful . You're really good at this. Back in the day, I used to draw just like you". The man who saw the negatives in everything, liked what I drew? Did the man people don't talk back to say he was just like me?
Everything I drew since has been for him. To impress him. Even though he never saw what I drew again, because I grew up to be more secretive in nature, it's always been for him. For the man that made me fall in love with art, everything I do is for you. The Muse is always You!


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