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Story of Rebellion

Queen crashed one night.  Queen's my motorbike. My constant companion to all my rides. Without her, I'd be stranded. Unable to move. Two wheels and a lot of room for me and my dreams. One night, we rode down the familiar road back home. A man drove his autorickshaw into the middle of the road. So queen crashed into it. He told me it was my fault.  Itokke sredhikkande ambane? He said. You should watch were you are going young girl. Oh how my voice raised. I noticed bits and pieces of queen down the road. Broke my heart. Her body full of scars.  It was your fault - he insisted! So I called him every word in the dictionary. Funny how we all think we are the victim in our version of the story. Then I picked up the parts of my motorbike and left, still angry. Yet another day, I took her for a ride. She did not complain. I see people staring at her when we pass by. They probably are looking at her scars, her damages. I smirk. It wasn't our fault. We knew it. My body just like her

So, I never went to the Zoo again

 Remember the time you visited the zoo for the first time? All those different animals and birds right in front of you. Magical, wasn't it? Years later I got cancer and the doctor told me I should be extra careful. Don't go outside much, you have a higher chance of getting an infection. So I did. I stayed in my house most of the time. I saw my siblings, cousins, and my friends go out with others, having the time of their lives. And I thought ''How come I underestimated this all this time?''

The smaller things in life seemed to be big deals. Dreams even. I wish I could walk out and soak up all the sunlight. I wish I could go to the grocery store and buy things for myself. I wish I could ride the bike and feel the wind in my hair (I was bald). "Man...I wish I could get out of this house and walk around and touch some trees" 

"I wish my hair curled up once again" (I hated my curly hair)

Yeah...Long story short. I survived cancer. And I never wanted to see animals locked up for entertainment. I never went to the zoo again.


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