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What if I end things Now?

Years ago, as I lay on the hospital bed, tired and worn out,I thought of ending things. "Why suffer every day when I can just suffer once and put an end to it forever?"  Then I watch my mother sitting beside me, silently praying when she thinks I'm sleeping. She checks my medicine and stands long ques to buy me pills doctors prescribe.  And I'd think - "Maybe after she passes, I'll end it! She wouldn't bare if she loses me to my own mind after she fought with me to survive the cancer". The cancer's long gone, and I sit alone at night, unable to sleep. And I'd think, "I should just do it now". I'd think "maybe after I travel the world" If my life was a movie, I'd walk out after the first 30 minutes. But the movie lasts a whole 2 hours. So what if the first 30 minutes were boring, depressing? You have the rest of your movie! If the protagonist kills herself, that would be a terrible ending. So the protagonist waits,b...

The Cool Guy

 Back in the day, I wanted to be cool. Hair curlers, skipping breakfast to burn those extra calories, English songs. English songs were a must. You wouldn't be cool if you didn't know any English songs. So songs I heard - Elvis, Jackson, One Direction, Bieber - anything every other cool people were listening to. 

One day, blasting an old song on the speaker while studying; my dad came in. He changed his clothes and listened to the music I played. 

"You know, back in the days, I used to listen to English songs too. They are fun" - he said, - "You should listen to Boney M. Their music is out of this world. Hear Rasputin"

I nodded, told him I would. But what did my dad know about any of it? I've never heard of any Boney Ms or Rasputins. It must be some silly little song. 

So, I didn't. I continued with my own genre of songs and music. 

And then, I grew up.

The genres changed, my tastes did too... I no longer wanted to be cool. Everyone was dancing up and down on Instagram, to tunes that would soon be a hit.

That's when an old song started to play along in many videos. A familiar song- a name I remembered - Rasputin!

People grooved to Boney M and Rasputin, shaking their bodies and reaching millions of views. The song was magical. I realized Dad was the cool guy. He has been a cool guy all his life.

His childhood stories could sell millions if I write about them, and one day I surely will. So from one wanna-be cool person to another - if your super cool dad tells you to listen to an old song because it's heavenly, you better believe him! He knows!



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